Tuesday, May 26, 2009


T1he blue tooth was the hardest part of this investigation. i finally got it working this morning with some help from Tyler because he already completed this part. the main thing that i was not doing write was putting a display block in the receiving program. Now it works it took awhile but its done.

intoduction to robotics

Today is our final day in robotics class.
This was a pretty long term hard work and everything.
The thing that I learned and is one of the most important things I thing is robot contraction. Every peace on that robot is important no matter how small it is. The reasoning for this is that you need to have a stable robot that way you are able to make all of the turns correct and move in a straight line this is why robot design is important.

Programming the NXT was pretty easy after you got the hang of it, it did take a bit of time to learn all the tricks when writing a program. The hardest program that we had to Wright was with the Bluetooth it took some time to get it rite. The main things that you needed to know was how to do was get the motors moving duh, after that came turns swing turns and point turns.
Later on in the class it came down to using the sensors we had the sound sensor first then the light sensor then the touch sensor then the ultrasonic sensor. The main way that we used the sound sensor first was clapping this was to get the robot to move. Later on we worked on getting thresholds for this. Then there was the touch sensor it was pretty straight forwarded when it was pressed you could have the robot stop, backup or whatever you wanted it to do. Next there was the light sensors we first learned how to take thresholds with this sensor, and then we started programming them we could have them stop if there was a black line or follow the line. Then there was the best one of the entire ultrasonic sensor this sensor was able to detect things from how ever far away it was then you were able to program what you wanted the robot to do next.

The way that I have learned the use of math and science and technology while using robotics. Is that I learned that you have to use math a lot like when writing formals calculating gear ratios and everything. The main use of science is the class was physics like how come the robot will move and how far. The technology part was mainly programming and the use of sensors and motors.
The ways that I’ve need to communicate in this course was when I needed help or when it came time to help out a fellow class mate on there robot what they needed to do and everything. The collaboration between every one in this class was very important because at time we did need to share ideas on design you could almost tell that there was a little bit in everyone’s robot that came from someone else’s.

lamp challange

I finished this task today. I had to add a flashing light to by robot. to do this I had to plug it into one of the other motor ports. The next thing I had to do is add a program block for this to get the light working. The next thing i had to do was program a my block to do this, it wasn't to hard because I've been shownen how to use my blocks before and I read the chapter in the book so this helped me out big time today. The whole point of this was for the light to start flashing after a door was open.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

e stop

This was a very straight forward task. There wasn't to much thinking that had to go into this project because me and Tyler already did this some of this in a previous activity. The only thing I really had to do was add a program beam up top with is used for multitasking. The way that you program the emergency stop is you add the extra program bream up top and add a wait for touch block then a stop block this is how you do an e-stop.


I've just completed this part of the investigation today.
This investigation wasn't to bad it was nice and short. More effort went into the programing though. I was pretty worried about the light sensor because i was having problems with it before, but now its fine. The sensors that i had to use in this investigation was the ultrasonic sensor, light sensor, and the touch sensor. When a door was detected the alarm would go off when the touch sensor was pressed the it would say stop.

Chapter 26 My block

For the chapter that I choose to read was chapter 26, it was about the block.
MY block I’m sure most of you guys out there are wonders what a MY Block is. Well a block is a block that can be programmed to do whatever you want it to do.
The way that you use a my block is you select it in the software of course then you select the function that you want it to do like moving the motors turning right or whatever. Using my blocks help with programs that are going to be pretty long and movements that are going to be done more than once this saves you a lot of time, even makes your program look better.
A key thing to remember is to save each my block because if you don’t your whole program well get messed up.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Contruction of the guarddog

I choose the guard dog robot because it looked kinda cool.
building this robot was not as hard as the task bot with the task bot more time had to be out in on building it. This robot is a lot smaller so all the peaces fit in pretty good. A really good thing about this robot is that it is really stable witch is a lot better than the task bot because that robot was not as stable as this one. The main problem is the light sensor the way that its positioned.